Homeowners shell out $2,000 on average on maintaining their home each year. Keeping your home in perfect condition may not be easy, but there are some things you can do to reduce the number of repairs.

Instead of paying thousands of dollars for fixes, you can avoid a few common problems by paying attention to gutter maintenance. Until you understand why cleaning your gutters is important, you might let cleaning out gutters slide on your to-do list.

Continue reading to find out why you need to stay on top of your gutters.

Gutter Maintenance Facts You Can’t Ignore

Gutters are in place to protect your home by directing the flow of water. They keep it from harming your roof, walls, landscape, and foundation. If they are not kept in proper repair, the situation can turn sour quickly.

If you notice that your gutters are clogged with sticks and other debris, fix this problem as soon as possible. Clogged gutters make a nice home for rodents, bees, and mold – to name a few things.

Those of you trying to save money by not getting your gutters cleaned won’t be happy when the bill comes to replace a poorly maintained gutter.

Maintaining your gutters properly will save you big in the long run even if you have to put out a little money to have a professional take care of the cleaning process for you.

How Often Gutters Should Be Cleaned

Maybe you want to do the right thing for your gutters, but you aren’t sure how often to clean your gutters. While there isn’t any straightforward answer, there are some signs to look for, and you should always keep an eye on your gutters.

Depending on where you live, and if there are trees around your home, you may need to clean your gutters more often than people that don’t have trees around their yard. Cleaning at the beginning of spring and fall is a good rule to make sure your gutters aren’t neglected.

Gutter Best Practices

If you don’t want to worry about debris getting in your gutters, you can find different covers to go over them. Even if you have a cover over the gutter, you need to keep it clean.

You may be wondering whether you should clean your gutters yourself or hire a professional. If you aren’t comfortable climbing on a ladder and being high on the roof, it’s safer to hire someone who is used to this environment.

If you aren’t looking forward to the task, it is likely it will get put off too long, so it is best to put someone else on the job and get it done.

Keep Your Gutters Clean and Flowing

Now that you understand the importance of gutter maintenance, let us help you with your gutters and any other roof issues you might have. We love helping our customers keep their homes safe.

Contact us today to get a free estimate on your project!